Lol Client Weird Sound
Yes, there are many audio oddities running the 64 bit client. i have heard sounds of static, small game animals far away sound close and very loud, running water sounds will pop in and sound very close and very loud when water is a considerable distance away. most of this happened in orsinium using the 64 bit client though..... If you're in a chat room that people are leaving and joining then you'll hear the sound, even if you close out of the chat room. additionally when a game ends and you leave the post game lobby you'll still hear the sounds of people leaving/chatting as if you were still in the lobby.. I dislike the accept/decline sound sfx on the updated client..
It sounds almost like the audio is being choppy / laggy. it randomly happens and so far the only fix i have found is a client reboot, in which it lasts for about 3 games before reverting back to having sound issues. this only happens with the client, in game my sound is perfectly fine.. Strange, not an issue on my end. firstly, make sure the ingame audio settings are up, and also the master audio ingame. if you're on windows vista/seven, alt-tab out with the game running, and right click the speaker icon.. After reinstalling lol, my sound is acting out from time to time.. if my camera is not centered over the champion, the sound sometimes goes very low, barely able to hear, then it goes back to normal..
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